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2023 Legacy Ball to Partner with Frankenmuth Lions Club

February 23, 2023

The Frankenmuth Community Foundation is excited to announce their partner organization for the 2023 Legacy Ball Dachshund Derby is the Frankenmuth Lions Club. Each year, the Foundation accepts applications from local organizations engaging in a major project who are seeking help in raising funds. Last year, the Foundation raised over $58,000 for the Frankenmuth Historical Association’s renovation and expansion project. The previous year, the Foundation raised money to help bring the Frankenmuth Ice Rink to town.

This year, the Foundation will work with the 74 member Lions Club to create an outdoor “Biergarten.” This unique, German themed social gathering place will be a great area for residents and visitors to enjoy the beauty of Heritage Park and the Cass River in sun or shade, while socializing with friends, old and new. The beautifully designed feature will be located on the east side of the Lions Haus.

“We are excited to work with the Frankenmuth Lions Club on this unique project,” stated Anne Webb, 2023 Legacy Ball Chairperson. “The Biergarten will be a great social gathering place, adding an authentic German feature to Heritage Park. Anytime the Lions Haus is not rented, the Biergarten will be accessible year-round for residents to use as a picnic spot or just to relax when visiting the park.” Tentative construction plans are for the patio to be installed in the summer of 2023, ready to use by Auto Fest. The trellis and final details will come in the spring of 2024. For information or to rent the Lions Haus for your next gathering, please contact

Legacy Ball Dachshund Derby committee members who will be working with the Frankenmuth Lions Club on this year’s event include Chairperson Anne Webb, FCF Board member Bethany Burnett, Legacy Ball founder Victoria DeGrace, with Wayne Cormier, Dave Bellsky, Kristi KrafftBellsky, Trisha Way, John Daugharty, Danielle Daugharty, Melissa Rau and FCF staff members Jonathan Webb and Ashley Hopp. The 2023 event will be held at Bavarian Inn Restaurant on April 29th. Sponsorship packets have been mailed to local businesses.

January 9, 2025
2024 Legacy Ball Recap
By Jonathan Webb January 26, 2024
The Frankenmuth Community Foundation is excited to announce their partner organization for the 2024 Legacy Ball Dachshund Derby is the Frankenmuth City Beautification. Each year, the Foundation accepts applications from local organizations engaging in a major project who are seeking help in raising funds. Last year, the Foundation raised over $71,000 for the Frankenmuth Lions Club to complete their new patio Biergarten outside the Lion Haus in Heritage Park. In previous years, other recipients have been the Frankenmuth Historical Association for their renovation and expansion project and the Frankenmuth Visitors Center to bring the Frankenmuth Ice Rink to town. This year, the Frankenmuth Community Foundation and the Frankenmuth City Beautification are excited to collaborate on this event to benefit the Frankenmuth City Beautification Committee’s project of replacing and upgrading the iconic “Willkommen” sign on the south bank of the Cass River, near the Main Street Bridge.
By Jonathan Webb August 7, 2023
These local High School seniors have been awarded the following scholarships held at the Frankenmuth Community Foundation. We wish you continued success and blessings!
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