Bill Varney taught math and science classes to the first graduating class at Frankenmuth High School. He thought very highly of the Frankenmuth school system and the city as a whole. Bill was a firm believer in volunteering and giving back to the community. He lead by example and was always willing to give his time and energy to help with a project or take on a new roll. Bill was active in the Frankenmuth Lions Club, City Beautification, Civic Events Council and City Planning Commission. He ran an aid station for the Volkslaufe and was very involved, in a variety of capacities, with the Frankenmuth United Methodist Church. The church and community benefitted from his presence and involvement. Over the years he won several community awards: the Paul Harris award from the Rotary Club, the Herbert L. Keinath award from the Jaycees, and the Melvin Jones award from the Lions Club. It is impossible to count the number of lives Bill touched and changed through his service to our community. He left us a legacy, a memory of service and fundamental truth. he was a common man of uncommon character.